Thursday, May 9, 2024

Who Am I

A few words about me. My name is Andreas. Some of my hobbies include hiking, playing basketball, running, cycling, camping (especially near the sea), reading, cooking (especially tasty vegan recipes), dancing, wood sculpting, playing chess, and going out with friends and family.

I was born in Athens, Greece, on September 8th, 1974. My parents were from Cyprus and were both students there. When I was four years old, we returned to my mother’s village in Cyprus: a place drowned in nature, with trees everywhere and a scenic river.

Living in the village was stress-free. After school, I would play with my friends and siblings for hours. In 1992, I graduated from Solea High School, which served all of the villages of Solea Valley.

For the next 26 months, I served my country as a second lieutenant in the anti-tank infantry division of the military.

Following my military service, I studied at the University of Patra, Greece. Eight years of work and studying later, I received my Master of Computer Engineering and Informatics. Shortly after that, I landed a job as an IT officer at the local university hospital in Patra.

It wasn’t until 2005—after 11 years of studying, living, and working in Greece—that I decided to return to Cyprus. From 2005 until 2010, I worked as an educator. I taught kids and adults how to use the computer, and at one point, I was a substitute teacher in many high schools.

On the side, I opened my computer shop in 2006, which I maintained until 2010. I closed the shop in 2010 because I became an IT officer for a department in the Cyprus Government. I still work there as an IT officer today.

Growing up with bibliophiles as parents, I developed my love of reading books. Most of my knowledge comes from various books; I am not “street smart,” as some would say.

In my 30’s, I was a heavy smoker of cigarettes and a massive consumer of junk food and sodas. I was unlucky enough to have some chronic diseases, but in the end, it was a gift. All of those illnesses made me seriously consider my exercise level (which, at the time, was zilch) and my eating habits.

I educated myself over the years with books, documentaries, scientific papers, and my experimentation. I managed to become smoke-free, free from sickness and obesity, and now, I am much happier and healthier than I was at 30!

My journey from being chronically sick to finding health and happiness inspired me to write a book. My thirst for health led me to the path that I am on now. The two biggest factors in changing were adopting a plant-based diet and becoming an amateur runner of ultra-marathons, marathons, half-marathons, and shorter distances.

I chose to create this online space to show you that the world portrayed by the media is not accurate. Many of the attitudes about chronic diseases such as heart conditions and cancer are ignorant of how vital nutrition is to your health. I intend to dispel the myths and show you a simple path to becoming a healthier, happier you.

I hope that my online presence and my books will give you what you need to find the answers you need in your life. I also hope that the website, book, and future books will inspire you to better yourself in every aspect of your existence.

Thank you for visiting our website. Enjoy your time here and have a healthy day. To health and happiness!


Andreas Michaelides